
Protein Discount Card

Wouldn’t we all like to receive discounts and have it be affordable to keep fit? Protein powder and other supplements can become pricey and really add up over time. My readers in the the UK probably know that an additional 20% tax on all sports supplements has been approved, meaning costs will increase even more for those who buy their supplements in or from Great Britain. Fortunately, I recently discovered the VAT BUSTING Protein Discount Card, which provides discounts of up to 40% on over 2000 products from 150 brands! With this card, you can use the unique codes on supplement company websites and take advantage of huge discounts. The great part about it is that the discounts are reusable for the duration of the card and can be used over and over again. As it says on their website, “saving you WHEY more money,” I suggest checking this out!

Optimum’s Gold Standard 100% Casein Protein

Some of you probably or may know that faster digesting amino acids are essential for your body immediately before and after exercise, but what about the other times throughout the day? Because casein protein is digested and absorbed at a slower rate than other forms of protein, it is most effective at times when the body goes hours without food and nutrients (i.e. before bedtime and between meals). Casein protein is slow digesting because it is acid-sensitive, causing the amino acids to take longer to be broken down into the amino acid subcomponents. The balanced release of amino acids over many hours makes this supplement a key component to your diet.

Key Facts:

  • Slow-Digesting Protein: 24 grams per serving
  • BCAAs: Over 5 grams per serving
  • Glutamine: Close to 5 grams per serving
  • Contains a small amount of fat, sugar and carbohydrates

Myths and Facts on Creatine

Creatine is an organic acid that reduces fatigue by providing extra energy to your cells, particularly those in the muscles. While most probably associate creatine with supplements, trace amounts are also found in red meat and fish, in addition to being produced inside the human body. Creatine supplements contain more creatine phosphate than natural creatine, allowing the body to withstand longer and more intense workouts. Over time, this added intensity compounds to help your body build strength and lean muscle. If you are looking to take a creatine supplement, I recommend creatine monohydrate.


  • Creatine is like anabolic steroids
  • Creatine can help build muscle even if you don’t workout
  • Creatine supports running faster – helps more with fast-twitch muscle fibers
  • If a creatine user discontinues taking the supplement, they will lose muscle mass
  • Creatine can cause gastrointestinal problems – very rare, but happens in around 6% of people
  • Creatine contributes to weight gain – pulls water into your muscles
  • Creatine doesn't work well for everyone – could have high levels in muscles naturally
  • Creatine makes your muscles look softer – extra water adds volume to muscle
  • Too much creatine can be counterproductive and even harmful for the body. Do not exceed 20 grams a day for the first week, and 5 grams per day after.


Training at an intense level in the gym puts a tremendous amount of stress on the body.  Glutamine helps your body recover and prevents fatigue from ruining your workout, supporting your results and shortening the recovery time between workouts. During weight training, your body can lose up to 50% of its glutamine levels and create the risk for catabolism. Not supplementing Glutamine to aid the stress on your body is a definite mistake; it is one of the best anti-catabolic remedies.

Key Facts:                                                                                
  • Most abundant amino acid in the body                                            
  • Reduces muscle breakdown (catabolism)
  • Promotes muscle growth
  • Supports a healthy immune system

Optimum’s Gold Standard 100% Whey

For years I have used this protein powder when making my post workout shakes. My favorite flavor is the chocolate mint. This whey protein is fast-acting and digests quickly while providing a rich source of amino acids. Each serving of 24 grams of whey protein will support your muscle growth and recovery.

Key Facts:
  • Whey Protein Isolates
  • More than 5 Grams of BCAAs
  • 24 grams of protein
  • Over 4 Grams of Glutamine & Glutamic Acid

Tonalin CLA 

In my opinion, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is the safest and most effective fat burning product. When your body consumes extra fat and calories that it does not need for energy, an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase causes your body to absorb and retain excess fat cells. CLA blocks this enzyme, preventing excess fat from being absorbed while activating other enzymes in the muscles that catalyze your metabolism. Along with a healthy diet and exercise, this is a very effective product to help you shed body fat and keep it off.
Key Facts:                                                                                           
·       From natural safflower oil
·       Increases the rate of fat break-down
·       Decreases the amount of fat your body stores after eating
·       Increases the rate of fat metabolism
·       Decreases the total number of fat cells
MusclePharm's Assault

Assault is a pre-workout supplement that enhances nitric oxide blood flow to the muscles to give you that extra boost of energy in the gym. According to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Informed Choice, Assault is one of the only existing pre-workout products to have been labeled “banned substance-free.” This makes for a safe and effective product when compared with many other pre-workout supplements on the market today. With the support of muscle pumps, ATP production and the overall anabolic environment created inside the body, MuslcePharm has developed a reliable product to help you push through pre-workout fatigue to gain strength and build muscle.

Key Facts:
· Contains Con-Cret creatine
· Contains Astragin, a ginseng extract to support absorption of nutrients
· Contains Cinnulin, which helps deliver creatine, arginine, and other vitamins and nutrients to your muscles
· Contains BCAA’s, which aide in post-workout recovery and promote the development of lean muscle mass


ZMA is a supplement that will promote restful and deeper sleep. Some key benefits are the support of muscle endurance, healing, growth, a boost in testosterone levels and hormone production. The three main ingredients are Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6. The combination of these ingredients is designed to enhance the recovery after intense training. ZMA will also support a healthy immune system and have a huge impact on regulating cellular growth and helping with tissue repair after your muscle have been pushed to extreme limit. This product might influence some pretty good dreams too!

Key Facts:
  • Promotes restful and deep sleep
  • Supports an increase in testosterone levels and muscle growth
  • Helps with the recovery of stress on the muscles

The first time I had this drink was at my uncle’s old deli in New Jersey. Aside from the great taste of the strawberry banana guava flavor, it also gave me a boost of energy that even coffee doesn’t provide. Bodyarmour will give you the hydration and fuel you need when energy levels are low, and I often make one part of my routine before I hit the gym to train.
Key Facts:
  • Contains large amounts of Vitamins A, C, E and B complex                
  • Loaded with amino acids and antioxidants
  • Contains many essential minerals
  • Great source of electrolytes
  • 10% coconut water to hydrate
  • 140 calories

Fish Oil
          Fish Oil supplements contain a natural source of Omega-3 essential fatty acids, which the human body is unable to manufacture on its own. Oils and fats are a crucial component of every living cell in the body, essential for rebuilding existing cells and producing new ones. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils are also considered “good fats,” helping to balance the “bad fats” that many of us inevitably consume in our diets. The best dietary source of Omega-3 fatty acids comes from cold water oily fish like salmon and sardines, but it is also abundant in flaxseed oil and certain tree nuts. Fish oil supplements have been shown to support healthy heart function and joint flexibility, while providing possible prevention against Alzheimer’s disease, depression, Parkinson’s disease and psoriasis.

*Be sure to always read and follow instructions on the label of every product you use.