TRX Training

One day at the gym I was looking for something different to do that I have never tried. I noticed the TRX Suspension Trainer and decided to try it out. I did a 45 minute workout performing several different exercises and was really happy with what I saw. This workout system allows you to train using your own bodyweight and control the level of difficulty. And a great aspect of the TRX Suspension Trainer is that you can alter the level of difficulty just by adjusting your body positioning.

Workout Benefits:
  • Full body workout
  • Builds a strong core
  • Enhanced muscle endurance
  • Great for all fitness levels
  • Can be performed at home or in the gym

College Budget Eating

As a recent college graduate, I know firsthand that most college students don’t want to or simply can’t dedicate a high percentage of their budget towards the ideal diet.  Trying to be fit on a budget is never a simple task, but below is a list of some foods that will keep you fit and provide your body with the nutrition it needs at a low cost. Staying lean and in shape isn’t as expensive as your think!
  • Egg Whites or Whole Eggs
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Oatmeal
  • Beans
  • Natural Peanut Butter or other Nut Butters
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Bags of Vegetables and Fruits

3 Day Workout

*Exercises that are the same color are to be performed in a superset together


Finding low-fat, high protein snacks to eat in between meals can be difficult during a busy work day. While it sometimes seems easier to head to the vending machine to grab a bag of chips or a candy bar, there are some great alternatives out there if you’re able to plan ahead. Aside from being packed with protein, chickpeas provide a great source of folic acid, fiber and are rich in minerals like zinc, magnesium, iron and copper. I like to roast chickpeas the night before work and then have them for a crunchy nutritious snack the next day. Just one cup of chickpeas provides a whopping 15 grams of protein!

The Importance of Rest

After intense training, resting your body and muscles is just as important as your nutrition. Getting enough sleep, ideally 8 hours, is key to promoting recovery and ensuring you get the most out of your workout, as your muscles are put under an immense amount of stress during training. The most overlooked type of rest isn’t short term, but long term rest. Taking a week off from working out every few months is something that should be included in your annual training program. This time off will allow the muscles, ligaments and joints to repair themselves, and most of us will experience increased strength after this time off due to the recovery. Overtraining is one of the most common mistakes people make when trying to build muscle mass.


The first time I had this drink was at my uncle’s old deli in New Jersey. Aside from the great taste of the strawberry banana guava flavor, it also gave me a boost of energy that even coffee doesn’t provide. Bodyarmor will give you the hydration and fuel you need when energy levels are low, and I often make one part of my routine before I hit the gym to train.

Key Facts:
  • Contains large amounts of Vitamins A, C, E and B complex                
  • Loaded with amino acids and antioxidants
  • Contains many essential minerals
  • Great source of electrolytes
  • 10% coconut water to hydrate
  • 140 calories


ZMA is a supplement that will promote restful and deeper sleep. Some key benefits are the support of muscle endurance, healing, growth, a boost in testosterone levels and hormone production. The three main ingredients are Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6. The combination of these ingredients is designed to enhance the recovery after intense training. ZMA will also support a healthy immune system and have a huge impact on regulating cellular growth and helping with tissue repair after your muscle have been pushed to extreme limit.  This product might influence some pretty good dreams too!

Key Facts:
  • Promotes restful and deep sleep
  • Supports an increase in testosterone levels and muscle growth
  • Helps with the recovery of stress on the muscles

Apple Peanut Butter Protein Shake

If you are looking for a protein packed shake that tastes like a desert, here it is!

  • 1 Gala Apple
  • 1 Macintosh Apple
  • ¾ - 1 Cup of All Natural Peanut Butter
  • ¾ - 1 Cup of Vanilla Greek Yogurt
  • 1-2 Cups of Skim Milk
  • 6-8 Ice Cubes
  • 1 Scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder
If you don't have these types of apples it is okay! Any substitutes will work. To complete this shake and explode your taste buds, use Graham Cracker Monster Milk instead of the protein powder.

*Inspired by Christopher Fletcher*

Shoulders & Traps Drop Set Workout

Drop sets are a great technique to use to really pump up the intensity of a workout. It consists of continuing an exercise with a lower weight when failure has been reached at a higher weight. Reducing the weight as quickly as you can is extremely important.

Shoulders & Traps
Standing Palms-In Dumbbell Press: 3 drop sets to failure
Arnold Dumbbell Press: 3 drop sets to failure
Front Two-Dumbbell Raise: 3 drop sets to failure
Side Lateral Raise: 3 drop sets to failure
Back Fly w/ Band: 1 set to failure
Barbell Upright Row: 3 drop sets to failure
Smith Machine Shrug: 3 drop sets to failure

Workout Notes:
  • Do as many repetitions as possible while keeping good form with your initial weight. Then reduce the weight used until exhaustion is reached again. Continue to reduce weight three times. ex) 25, 20, 15 = 1 set
  • Preform the workout only once a week with at least 3 days of rest in between shoulder workouts

Green Tea

Green tea has endless health benefits and an antioxidant complex that the body can use in several ways, supporting fat loss and increasing your overall metabolic rate. Green tea also promotes healthy skin, has been shown to defend against depression, and reduces the risk of high blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. Below are some of the many fitness-related benefits of green tea.
  • Great for your overall health
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Speeds up your metabolism
  • Helps burn calories when combined with exercise
  • Increased healthy energy levels
  • Supports focus and concentration
  • Rich in antioxidant

Exercise of the Week

Workout Notes:
  • Hold dumbbells with your hands in a hammer position
  • Keep your elbows close to your sides
  • Rest elbows on floor for a second and extend arms towards the ceiling
  • Your legs can be either bent or positioned straight

Protein Discount Card

Wouldn’t we all like to receive discounts and have it be affordable to keep fit? Protein powder and other supplements can become pricey and really add up over time. My readers in the the UK probably know that an additional 20% tax on all sports supplements has been approved, meaning costs will increase even more for those who buy their supplements in or from Great Britain. Fortunately, I recently discovered the VAT BUSTING Protein Discount Card, which provides discounts of up to 40% on over 2000 products from 150 brands! With this card, you can use the unique codes on supplement company websites and take advantage of huge discounts. The great part about it is that the discounts are reusable for the duration of the card and can be used over and over again. As it says on their website, “saving you WHEY more money,” I suggest checking this out!

25 Minute Arm Workout

We all struggle to fit in as much as we can into the minimal free time we all have. The good news is that adjusting the way you workout can help you train in just 25 minutes. In order to get the most from your abbreviated workout sessions, perform this arm routine on days you don’t have an hour or more to spend at the gym. But just because it will only take 25 minutes to complete don’t get too confident; this is no easy workout and it will challenge you!

The Routine:

Dumbbell Curls: 2 warm-up sets of 12 reps
EZ Bar Skull Crushers: 2 warm-up sets of 12 reps

Barbell Preacher Curls: 3 sets of 10 reps
EZ Bar Skull Crushers: 3 sets of 10 reps

Hammer Curls: 3 drop sets to failure
Seated Triceps Dumbbell Extension: 3 drop sets to failure

Cable Curls: 1 set of 25 reps
Triceps Pushdowns: 1 set of 25 reps
Zottman Curls: 1 set of 12
Standing Bent-Over Two-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 1 set of 12

Workout Notes:
  • Superset: Two exercises are performed one after another without any rest
  • Drop Sets: Immediately reducing the amount of weight between sets with no rest

Mid-Morning Meals

After beginning the day with your breakfast, post-workout meal or a protein shake, a long-lasting, high protein mid-morning meal should follow about 2 hours later. The mid-morning meal is essential in order to keep your metabolism working at a high level and to continue providing nutrients to your muscles.  Your body functions best when it receives multiple small meals throughout the day; ideally those which are high in complex carbs and lean protein and low in fat.  Some of my favorite mid-morning meal options include oatmeal, brown rice, fat-free Greek yogurt, and grilled chicken.

Optimum’s Gold Standard 100% Casein Protein

Some of you probably or may know that faster digesting amino acids are essential for your body immediately before and after exercise, but what about the other times throughout the day? Because casein protein is digested and absorbed at a slower rate than other forms of protein, it is most effective at times when the body goes hours without food and nutrients (i.e. before bedtime and between meals). Casein protein is slow digesting because it is acid-sensitive, causing the amino acids to take longer to be broken down into the amino acid subcomponents. The balanced release of amino acids over many hours makes this supplement a key component to your diet.

Key Facts:
  • Slow-Digesting Protein: 24 grams per serving
  • BCAAs: Over 5 grams per serving
  • Glutamine: Close to 5 grams per serving
  • Contains a small amount of fat, sugar and carbohydrates

My Arm Cutting Workout

Biceps & Triceps
EZ-Bar Inside Grip Curls: 4 sets of 15, 10, 10 and 8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3 sets of 12,10 and 10 reps
Zottman Curls: 3 sets of 10 reps
Barbell Preacher Curls: 3 sets of 12, 10 and 10 reps
Decline EZ-Bar Triceps Extension: 4 sets of 15, 10, 10 and 8 reps
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 10 reps
Triceps Pushdown w/ Rope Attachment: 3 sets of 12, 10 and 10 reps
Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdown: 3 sets of 12, 10 and 10 reps

Workout Notes:
  • Increase weight as the amount of reps decrease through the set
  • Take a 90 second break between each set
  • Give yourself at least 3 days rest between each arm workout
  • Please note that this routine is not designed for a beginning strength trainer

Exercise of the Week

Workout Notes:
  • Remove barbell at upper chest height from the rack and position barbell on the back of your shoulders
  • Have a wide base with feet slightly pointed outward
  • To sit back onto box, bend hips back while bending knees and lower onto box under control
  • Stand up quickly by driving hips upward, knees above ankles and your chest out to your legs are straight

Energy Crash

After a long morning of running errands or at work, most of us know the feeling of sluggishness that can come with the late afternoon. For some this may mean another cup of coffee or caffeinated soda, but those of us who work in offices know how easy it is to run to the vending machine for a snack that satisfies both our fatigue and our sweet tooth. When energy levels begin to bottom out, however, it is important to avoid the intake of unnecessary sugar amounts. 

The Facts:
  • Fatigue is more common among those with high carb diets, while a high protein diet has been shown to have the opposite effect.
  • Whereas sugar provides an intense, short-lived boost of energy, protein activates the cells to help the body sustain high energy levels over longer periods of time.
  • There are two types of sugar, complex and simple. Complex sugar is found in natural carbohydrates, like fruit and whole grains, which take longer for your body to break down. You absolutely want to avoid simple (processed) sugar, which is found in many sweets and causes those quick spikes in energy.
  • Making a protein shake for these moments of fatigue is a healthier and far more beneficial choice to power you through your day.

Myths and Facts of Creatine

Creatine is an organic acid that reduces fatigue by providing extra energy to your cells, particularly those in the muscles. While most probably associate creatine with supplements, trace amounts are also found in red meat and fish, in addition to being produced inside the human body. Creatine supplements contain more creatine phosphate than natural creatine, allowing the body to withstand longer and more intense workouts. Over time, this added intensity compounds to help your body build strength and lean muscle. If you are looking to take a creatine supplement, I recommend creatine monohydrate.

  • Creatine is like anabolic steroids
  • Creatine can help build muscle even if you don’t workout
  • Creatine supports running faster – helps more with fast-twitch muscle fibers
  • If a creatine user discontinues taking the supplement, they will lose muscle mass
  • Creatine can cause gastrointestinal problems – very rare, but happens in around 6% of people
  • Creatine contributes to weight gain – pulls water into your muscles
  • Creatine doesn't work well for everyone – could have high levels in muscles naturally
  • Creatine makes your muscles look softer – extra water adds volume to muscle
  • Too much creatine can be counterproductive and even harmful for the body. Do not exceed 20 grams a day for the first week, and 5 grams per day after.

Supersetting Chest & Back

Supersetting is when you preform two or more exercises in sequence without rest, either grouping exercises for the same body part or opposing muscle groups. One of the more popular multi-group combinations is chest and back. This option presents a nice compliment because chest exercises focus on pushing motions and back exercises are more pulling intensive. The main benefit of pairing opposing muscle groups is that the non-targeted muscle has time to rest during alternate sets. This workout will increase intensity and muscle growth in a shorter training time.

The Routine:

Barbell Bench Press: 1 warm-up set of 20-30 reps, 5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps
Wide-Grip Lat Pull-down: 1 warm-up set of 15 reps, 5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 reps

Incline Barbell Press: 5 pyramid sets of 15, 12, 10, 10, 8 reps
T-Bar Rows: 5 pyramid sets of 15, 12, 10, 10, 8 reps

Flat-Bench Dumbbell Flyes: 5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 10, 8 reps
Barbell Dead Lift: 5 sets of 15, 12, 10, 10, 8 reps

Weighted Dip: 5 sets of 15 reps
Close-Grip Chin: 5 sets of 12 reps
Stiff-Arm Pull-Over: 5 sets of 15-20 reps

Workout Notes:
  • Perform one set of the first exercise of the superset, then immediately transition into the second exercise
  • Take a 2 minute break between each superset
  • Choose a weight that will be challenging as your body fatigues towards the last set of reps. The same weight should be used for the entire exercise.


Training at an intense level in the gym puts a tremendous amount of stress on the body.  Glutamine helps your body recover and prevents fatigue from ruining your workout, supporting your results and shortening the recovery time between workouts. During weight training, your body can lose up to 50% of its glutamine levels and create the risk for catabolism. Not supplementing Glutamine to aid the stress on your body is a definite mistake; it is one of the best anti-catabolic remedies.

Key Facts:                                                                                  
  • Most abundant amino acid in the body                                            
  • Reduces muscle breakdown (catabolism)
  • Promotes muscle growth
  • Supports a healthy immune system

Most Important Meals

While many people may not realize it, your diet is the single most important component of successful strength training and overall fitness. As food provides our bodies with the energy that promotes muscle growth and recovery, your breakfast and pre and post-workout meals are the most critical times for your body to take-in the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. A pre-workout meal should consist of mostly complex carbohydrates, including brown rice, potatoes and oatmeal, which are slow-burning and provide long-lasting energy. Low-digesting proteins such as casein protein or lean meat will also stay with you throughout your workout and into a recovery period, providing your body with the amino acids that are the building blocks of muscle. For a post-workout meal, look towards your favorite green vegetable and other proteins and good fats. I recommend a protein shake with all-natural peanut butter. Nuts like almonds are also great, along with grilled chicken or any low-mercury fish, which are each significant sources of protein. And as most of you already know, beginning your day with a hearty breakfast is just as important as opening or closing out your workout with complex carbs and lean protein. Egg whites, skim milk, and oatmeal with cinnamon and almond butter are all high-energy, low-calorie options to help kick your metabolism into gear to start off the morning.

Exercise of the Week

 Workout Notes:
  • Preform 6 reps for each arm on the medicine ball, 6 reps with both hands on the side of the medicine ball and 6 reps of regular push-ups
  • Don't allow your body to drop downward and keep your abdominal muscles tight
  • Your chest should be lowered near or slightly touching the medicine ball
  • Keep your elbows close to the sides of your body
  • On the upward phase, continue pressing until your arms are fully extended

2 Day A Week Training

If finding time to train 4 or even 5 days a week isn’t realistic for you, this 30-minute dumbbell workout will provide all the weight training you need in a week in just two days. The routine will help you build strength and lean muscle mass and can be completed at home, in the office, or wherever you have access to a dumbbell set. By switching up repetition counts and dumbbell weight between the two workouts, you will confuse the muscles and produce even better results. I also recommend that you complement this workout with 2 half or full hour cardio sessions per week, if your schedule allows it.

The Routine:

Day 1
Bench Presses with Dumbbells: 2 sets of 10-12 reps      
Incline Presses With Dumbbells: 2 sets of 10-12 reps      
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 2 sets of 10-12 reps      
Tricep Dumbbell Kickback: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Bent Over Two Dumbbell Row: 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Bent Over Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 2 sets of 10-12 reps           
Alternate Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
Abdominal Air Bike: 3 sets to failure for each set

Day 2
Bench Presses with Dumbbells: 2 sets of 6-8 reps      
Incline Presses with Dumbbells: 2 sets of 6-8 reps      
Palms-In Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 2 sets of 6-8 reps
Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extension: 3 sets of 6-8 reps      
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows: 2 sets of 8-10 reps      
Lateral Dumbbell Raises: 2 sets of 10-12 reps      
Alternate Hammer Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
Abdominal Plank: 3 sets for 1 minute each

Workout Notes:
  • Day 1 Workout: Take 30 second breaks in between each set
  • Day 2 Workout: Take 45-60 second breaks in between each set
  • For exercises that call for more reps, use lighter weight
  • For the exercises with less reps, use heavier weight
  • Take at least 2 days of rest between each workout